Tree City series, could be an extended studied of blueness in Yeung’s work. Begins with 'How blue was my valley'. Tak ingeniously made use of the unique blue color, the solid, hard stokes of ball pen to create an intense texture, to depict the cold hard concrete city. Those massive building blocks that screen away the sunlight, tiers and tiers of flyovers above us. A Blade Runner kind of city in blue.
However, nature has her own cause, for the tinniest roots could grow out of concrete walls and thrive into large trees to rest the birds, to give shade.
These are beautiful drawings about blue as grief and blue as hope.
樹城可以說是楊學德的漫畫小說《錦繡藍田》 一個對藍的延伸閱讀。阿德巧妙地利用藍原子筆獨有的一種藍和死硬的筆觸來呈現一個冷酷不過的城市異境。大於一切的高樓擋着和暖的日光,層層的高架天橋穿來插去,遮着藍天。一個藍色的2020城市。但大自然自有祂的本領, 細小軟弱的植物必能穿過石牆, 長成大樹,給小鳥棲息,給我們遮風擋雨。